Ensemble Directing

Laura conducts as a servant-leader. Musicians and music are her first priority. She is experienced in library, equipment, personnel, and time management. She uses gesture to communicate and gives concise feedback so that musicians do what they love to do: play!

“I find her to exhibit the finest qualities for musical excellence: dedication, focus, first-rate leadership skills, quality preparation, and compassion. Laura is an inspirational musician with a sensitivity to student’s needs. She brings out the best in students by teaching them to trust their instincts while encouraging determination and discipline. She approaches her own learning with zeal which enables her to be a passionate player and teacher.”

— Berta F., Music Educator, Burlington, VT

“...an efficient, focused rehearser with her ensembles. She keeps her feedback brief and clear, is patient but firm, and finds ways to keep everyone involved and invested in making the art better.”

— Adam B., Conductor, Cambridge, MA