Flute Lessons

Laura’s ultimate goal is to train well-rounded and skilled musicians to pursue any musical endeavor they desire into adulthood. She approaches teaching and learning with a growth mindset. She is intense and demanding, yet warm and kind. The majority of her students’ time is spent perfecting their performance and music literacy skills. They spend time imagining, interpreting, and composing music, as well as developing a physical connection to their practice. Performances are given each year showcasing solo and small ensemble repertoire from a variety of genres. Whether a student is preparing for an audition at a high-level festival or is motivated by their own intrinsic desire to improve their skills, she approaches teaching with passion and dedication.


$50 for 30 minutes

$60 for 45 minutes

$70 for 60 minutes

Private instruction takes place in your home.

“My daughter had taken private flute lessons for two years before beginning with Laura, but her playing has increased immensely in just a few short months of lessons. My daughter immediately appreciated Laura's style of connection and interaction, as she truly understands middle school students and understands how to motivate them.”

— Samantha M., Parent of Laura’s student, Brookline, MA

“She is a master of her subject and has a clear path students follow to become competent musicians. She chooses her objectives, not purely based on what has been done before her, but what will make kids the most successful in the quickest amount of time. She uses her evaluations of students’ understanding, or misunderstanding, to adapt her lessons. She is never satisfied until students can provide proof of their growth. She pushes her students warmly and firmly; they make great progress under her leadership.”

— Greg G., Music Educator, Boston, MA